Instagram Decided I Need a Tighter, More Lifted Bum 🍑

Instagram has decided I need a tighter, more lifted bum 🍑.

(I always thought I had a good one, but hey — what do I know?)

Every other ad is a butt cream that claims to lift, tone, and tighten. Dimples gone, instantly tan… almost glowing 🤣

Along with being a marketer I’m a very, very rationale buyer. It can take me weeks to pull the trigger on a $15 Amazon purchase.

So, how does someone like me get conned out of $110 for a jar of glorified Lubriderm?

Here’s how:
🍑 “4,987 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5K”
🍑 “Patent-Pending Independent Lab-Tested Geo-Bum10x Complex”
🍑 Unbelievable Before and Afters (Is that even the same woman?! 🧐)
🍑 “The Butt Cream that Broke the Internet and Sold Out in 24 hrs”
🍑 “Unlock 10% Today Only!”

Meanwhile … back on planet earth 🌎 you slide into my DM’s claiming that you can “transform my business” through your coaching program, community, or course.

I need your help way more than I need a nicer 🍑 so I click your link.

Your website looks wonky on my phone but I’m able to make out 5 measly bullet points to persuade me to spend $2,500 with you.
(That’s almost 25x more expensive than my butt cream!)

Or worse, I get lost in a sea of words where you say a lot without saying much — leaving me puzzled, not persuaded.

The point is, you’re probably lovely, but you’re not getting my money.

Premium-Priced Coaches and Consultants don’t just know how to fix your problem. They know what YOU need in order to say yes:

🍑 3rd Party Credibility (Awards, Press, Reviews)
🍑 Intellectual Property (Your proprietary framework or methodology, preferably TM’d)
🍑 Case Studies (These are your before and afters!)
🍑 A concise and compelling hook
🍑 Urgency to act now

Wanna nicer bum? Buy some spanx.
Wanna sell more services in 2023? DM me.

Melissa Barker