Why Selling To Each Other Could Be Bad Business — Women Entrepreneurs Inc

Why Selling To Each Other Could Be Bad Business


I believe that each one of us is sitting on a gold mine. 

If you're a member you have access to 250+ other women entrepreneurs.

That's way better than your 500+ LinkedIn connections, your email list, or even your social media followers.

Why? If you think that you could have 250+ new potential clients or customers, I challenge you to reframe your thinking.

The truth is, only 10% of the women in our membership are most likely your ideal client or customer!

And trying to sell to each other could actually alienate us, not bring us together.

But, while not everyone is right for your product or service, each one of us knows 10 people who are.

Would you rather make 250 new sales in 2021 or 2,500?

The next time you check out our Member Directory, don’t say to yourself: "Who will buy what I'm selling?" 

Instead, try:

  • What does she have that I need?

  • What do I have that she needs?

  • Who can she recommend me to? 

  • Who does she have access to that I don’t? 

  • What can she teach me? 

  • Who can she introduce me to? 

  • What resource, connection, or experience does she have that I don’t?

When we begin to think like this, the value we place on one another goes WAY up! 

If we can do this -- if you can leverage the collective power of our whole community, knowing that we can be each other's greatest asset-- we will be un-freaking-stoppable!!

The small business statics suck. And 2020 made sure of that. The podcasts, business books, and webinars aren't enough to get us to where we need to be. I believe it's the women in this group that will get us there.

Should you shy away from hiring each other and buying each other’s products? No way! Just be sure to think BIGGER, don’t limit yourself to transactions, and focus on building true connections that could last a lifetime.



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ThoughtWareMelissa Barker