Creating Consistent Revenue Month-After-Month



Let’s have fun and think about business nirvana for a moment.

How would you describe it?  

At the top of the list for most of my people is creating consistent revenue month-after-month. The highs and lows of cash flow can be a vibe killer, right?

However, let’s not stop there, let’s go wild.  Let’s not stop at just creating consistent revenue,  let’s make it consistent AND abundant!!  Let’s imagine a revenue flow that will meet or exceed your annual goal.  Whoop Whoop!  Now that would be exhilarating, right?!

Now here is where I pull in the “Debbie Downer” stuff.
Because I have to ask . . . did you know that 97% of your ideal clients are not ready to buy anytime soon?

Let’s narrow that down.  The sad fact is that  60% either won’t see what you offer as a fit for them, or they aren’t even aware they have a problem.  We’ll call this group The Lost Ones.

Here is some good news!

That means that 37% of your target community are at least aware that they have a need for what you provide. We will call this group The Seekers.

Finally, 3% of your ideal clients have a credit card in hand and are actively looking for you!! We will call these The Motivated Buyers.

So, the point?  You should be getting the picture that to create consistent and abundant revenue, you will want to intentionally nurture the needs of each of these groups.  Let’s take a look at how you can do this.

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The Lost Ones

You want to consider this group as having long-term potential. As you nurture them and raise awareness of the value your solution or product offers, speak to the SYMPTOM that they would recognize.  What is missing from their life? What do they want to do differently and why?  Help the Lost Ones recognize themselves in the picture you are painting in your blogs, videos, and email campaigns.


The Seekers

This group is already aware of what they want to do differently, and the problem that needs to be solved.  Where they are most likely  hung up is in weighing their choices and deciding which one will be the BEST.  You need to help this group understand why you are UNIQUELY qualified to solve their problem better than any other choice.  This is critical in helping them get over the buying line.


The Motivated Buyers

This group is primed and ready to go.  Are you putting yourself OUT THERE so they clearly know you are their best option?  Isn’t it just the worst when you talk with someone and they have JUST bought someone else’s product or program?  If you aren’t making active offers, you will miss the boat with this group. This goes beyond passive marketing techniques.  What I’m talking about here is making offers where someone can say yes or no.  This group is what we refer to as the “low hanging fruit”, but you have to be under the tree and reaching up to pick it!

The last thing that I have to say about creating consistent revenue is this, the more consistently you show up and clearly communicate your value, the more you will appeal to each of these groups of people.  Sales is a marathon, not a sprint. Eventually, you will win the race.  Go get ‘em girl!


About susan trumpler

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Susan Trumpler, the founder of Unstoppable Women in Business, is an international speaker, coach, podcaster and author of the upcoming book Sell Like a Boss - How to Turn Sales into Your Superpower. She dedicates her time and efforts to eradicating the phrase “I hate sales” from the vocabulary of women business owners. The Success Collaborative - her flagship, hybrid coaching program is her pride and joy. She dedicates her time to creating customized Success Roadmaps for each member and then invites them into an intimate community of like-minded peers to implement their plans and watch their revenues soar.

An important element of creating new client relationships is in how you move through the sales conversation. I invite you to enjoy Getting To Yes Faster, a quick tutorial on how to move clients from “Hello to HELL YES!” on the regular.

Go to today and never look at a sales conversation the same way!


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