The Power of a Yes, And Woman


Contributed by Jamessina Hille, Founder of Yes, And Woman

Decades ago, women managed the home. Now, we manage the home, the finances, the schedules, the laundry, the children - all while crushing our businesses and careers. Yet, the calling, the ache inside gets louder as we add to our list.

Who said we have to DO all the things, anyway?

We did.

Our mothers did. Our grandmothers and great grandmothers and those before them did. They fought for it. And we can have it all - and be it all - without abandoning either our role at home or in our career.

I realized this during a business trip, when I found the sum of my parts questioned by a male executive who only saw me in one light.  I vowed then and there to rock my femininity, bring it to the boardroom and the bedroom, to the bus stop and the stage, to own whichever role I wish to play by wielding my feminine power in all aspects of my life.

I called the mastering of this hybrid reality becoming a ‘Yes, and Woman, and it looks like this:


Your value AND be able to express it


Your pursuit of success AND enjoy your ability to connect deeply


Your roles AND loosen your death grip on control of how everything turns out

Strong and compassionate. Smart and beautiful. Powerful and creative. Executive and mom. Leader and loving partner.

A Harvard clinical psychologist calls this mastery being an 'alpha women' of our era. Can we truly 'have it all'? 

Yes, and we deserve it. 

Our families and our partners deserve it. Future generations deserve it. Our roles have adapted to the changing times, or the times have adapted to our changing roles. Our expanded roles. Roles that we may script, direct and produce while starring in all the leading parts - and that includes our maternal, feminine role. 

'Yes, and' is not a competition, it is not a mission for Instagram-perfection, nor is it a psychological study. This is real life, and 'yes, and' is our opportunity to be successful, be fulfilled, and create and enjoy a beautiful life while living every ounce of our potential, our passion, and our spirit. 

It is creating life by design, guilt-free, and absolutely on purpose. And while some 'yes, and' successes may sound contradictory at first, it is only because having it all evokes an air of perfection that is truly misconstrued. And often, sadly, misunderstood by other women. Sometimes, questioned by men. 

Perfection is not what 'yes, and' women strive for. Rather, it is just the opposite. 'Yes, and' women strive to live in spirit, to create a life of promise for their loved ones and their communities, and surround themselves with love by loving themselves deeply. 

It is the opportunity to adore - and cultivate - both our strong, powerful, 'masculine' side AND embrace and honor our feminine side. And, rather than battle or raise your eyebrows at ‘alpha women’ for the attempt to be and have it all, support and champion them. We as humans must celebrate one another - celebrate ourselves - first before we expect entire communities to do so.


Know your value AND be able to express it. 


Own your pursuit of success AND enjoy our ability to soften, yield and connect deeply. 


Be all the things AND decide when you wish to be them.

'Yes, and' women, it is time we adapt ourselves, honoring the challenge, and the joys, of mastering this hybrid reality - all while leading board meetings, speaking our minds, and being a maternal earth goddess.

Follow Jamessina on Instagram for inspiration on leading a ‘Yes, and’ lifestyle, or, reach out to inquire about securing one of five annual spots to work with Jamessina on your marketing needs at



New Yorker at heart, mother of two, and marketer, for the past decade Jamessina has embarked on a journey to become ‘one’s best self.’ This endeavor has impacted her career, parenting style, and daily life.

Passionate about sports, fitness, and wellness, Jamessina started her career with the National Football League, was a vegan CrossFitter, completed eight military-style adventure races, and is a sprint triathlete. She is currently the Director of Marketing for Protera, serves on the board of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lowcountry, and chairs the marketing committee, as well as is a mentor for the MBA program at the College of Charleston.

She is in every sense of the word, an emboldened YES, AND WOMAN.


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