You Don’t Know What Makes You Cool

If you did, you wouldn’t rewrite your bio whenever someone asked you for it.

Your personal website wouldn’t be an online resume with everything you’ve done since you graduated, quit your job, or got a divorce.

You’d be able to answer, “Why should I hire you?” in ONE single sentence.

You don’t know why you’re cool.

People like you.
You have happy clients.
You have strokes of genius and even when you don’t have all the answers you make it work.

But, you’re just getting lucky. Your success, cash flow, and client roster aren’t repeatable. Why?

Because you don’t know what makes you cool.

Don’t feel bad. You probably can’t cut your own hair or perform your own heart surgery either. Nope— it takes a 3rd party for that.

When you KNOW what makes you — YOU — you don’t need to use other peoples quotes (give Oprah a break), cliches (“if you can dream it, you can do it”), or broad-sweeping statements (“transform your business”).

Your messaging lands. It attracts and repels. People know exactly who you are and what you do.

💣 Being cool doesn’t make you money. Knowing what makes you cool does.

I help #founders show and tell their cool. Ready to pen yours? PM me, Melissa B.

Melissa Barker